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Tuesday, 25 January 2022 09:28
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The reasons Nguyen Ai Quoc and the Party chose the path of socialism

Assoc. Prof., Dr. NGUYEN MANH HA


Institute of Party History,

Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

Political Theory Journal (Vietnamese Version) Issue No 527 (1-2022)


Abstract: Right from the beginning, leader Nguyen Ai Quoc and the Communist Party of Vietnam identified the two main missions of the Vietnamese revolution were carrying out bourgeois civil rights revolution and land revolution to move forward to communist society and socialism. The question is to explain why moving forward to socialism is the steadfast path chosen by the Party, Uncle Ho (Nguyen Ai Quoc) and our people since 1930 until today? The article contributes to understanding and explaining the issue following the changes in Nguyen Ai Quoc’s perception, based on highlighted events and historical milestones since his departure to find a way for national salvation in 1911. This argument is aimed at refuting the wrongful allegations that Vietnam’s choice of socialist path is false and incompatible with the times.

Keywords:Nguyen Ai Quoc, socialist regime, Vietnam.

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