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Tuesday, 25 January 2022 09:49
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Organize the teaching of the advanced political theory program as the nature of the Party school


Regional Academy of Politics I

Political Theory Journal (Vietnamese Version) Issue No 527 (1-2022)


Abstract: The Party School has the task of training and fostering a contingent of leaders, managers, and theorists who are diligence, thrift, integrity, impartiality, and absolute loyalty to the ideals of the Party, the revolutionary cause, and wholeheartedly serves the Fatherland and the people. Organizing the teaching of the advanced political theory program to meet the nature of the Party school is a necessary requirement. The article clarifies the concept of the nature of the Party school's dialectical unity of three factors: learning content, teaching subject, and learning subject in the teaching organization to maintain the nature of the Party school.

Keywords: nature of Party school, teaching mechanism, advanced political theory.

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