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Monday, 03 October 2022 21:12
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Identifying, fighting against the opinion that the party, state of vietnam “discriminate” against ethnic minorities


Hanoi Police Department

Political Theory Journal (Vietnamese Version) Issue No 535 (9-2022)


Abstract: Vietnam is a multi-ethnic nation where 54 different ethnic groups coexist. As a result, the Party and State have always viewed ethnic work as a critical and long-term strategic issue in the Vietnamese revolution. The Party and State of Vietnam have a constant policy of promoting equality, unity, respect, and mutual development among all ethnic groups. The Vietnamese government's efforts is still obstructed and opposed by regressive forces, undesirable elements, opposition, and political oppoturnists. In the article, false claims that the Vietnamese Party and State "discriminate" against ethnic minorities are identified and contested.

Keywords: racial policy’ ethnic minorities ; racial equality.

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